Help to Restore Hope
and turn “I can’t” into “I CAN”
Support children with the potential to change the world
Families right here in your community who count on JCS need your support. In Canada, having a learning disability shouldn’t mean a negative sense of self and a loss of hope, all due to the seeming inability to learn. All children can learn! We believe in our students’ ability to grow and learn, realize their potential, and achieve success in school and life.
How much value do you place on transforming the life of a child?
The truth is that many families with learning disabled children cannot afford to pay for what is needed to help their children to learn, to read, write, or do math successfully – fundamental skills most of us take for granted. Through your generous support, JCS can continue to give the help these children need, while keeping tuition fees as affordable as possible for their families. Our staff is committed to giving our students a high quality education in a community that nurtures the whole child.
How much value do you place on giving hope, so that a child dares to dream again?
Your support will help give children hope and increased self-confidence, enabling them to walk confidently forward in life, to chase dreams and to reach for the stars.
Over the years James Cameron School has received support from many individuals and organizations in the community. This support has taken many forms, from donations in kind or in time to grants, large and small.
A number of parents of current and former students have raised the profile of the school at their place of business for ongoing United Way campaign contributions.
Finally, donations are made by individuals who have been touched by James Cameron School at some point in their lives, and who have made a commitment to show their support of the school by making one-time or regular donations.
To learn more about ways to give, including leaving a legacy, donations, endowments, corporate fundraising, and planned giving, please contact our school at (604) 465-8444 or We appreciate your interest and support and will work together with you to help you achieve your goals for a meaningful contribution.